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Growing the game out west

Damian Burgess

It’s been nearly 10 months now since I started a brand new squash club out of Canolfan Hamdden Plascrug Leisure Centre squash courts in Aberystwyth. Giving back and volunteering my time to grow the club has been an amazing experience.

Since then Aberystwyth Squash Club has gone from strength to strength, we have now seen over 300 new faces young and old take to the courts.

Now with more than 30 players on the box leagues on SquashLevels and nearly 30 regular junior players coming to at least one of our 6 juniors sessions through the week the courts are buzzing with excitement on a daily basis.

We can’t wait to grow this sport in Ceredigion and West Wales and have some exciting plans in place for the coming months.

A huge thank you to the other volunteer coaches at the club, the juniors, parents and players, Cyngor Sir Ceredigion , Sport Wales , Squash Wales - Sboncen Cymru , Dunlop Squash , ORANGE SQUASH , Red Squirrel Marketing , Vanzone - Principality Motor Company LTD and our other sponsors.

Watch this space for more updates. If you’re in Aberystwyth and want to join a session book your place online


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